Sercan Yandım Aydın
Hacettepe Unıversıty
Sercan Yandım studied Business Administration at METU (Middle East Technical University), in Ankara and received a BS degree in Management. She continued with a master’s degree in Archaeology and History of Art at Bilkent University, with an MA degree. Dr. Yandim set forth her graduate studies in Germany, in Marburg an der Lahn at Philipps University received grants from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and in 2005 she completed her PhD in Kunstgeschichte under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ingo Herklotz (Art History) and Prof. Dr. Guntram Koch (Christian Archaeology).
Since 2005 she is a faculty member at Hacettepe University, department of History of Art, Ankara.
Her publications include topics from the Late Antique and Early Christian to the Byzantine periods. Also she conducted numerous researches in archaeological museums in Turkey with an attempt to study and publish Christian art produced in the Ottoman period as well. An extended revised version of her PhD thesis is published in 2008. “Die Ikonen aus den Museen in Antalya und Tokat in der Türkei: Ikonographische, stilistische und kunstsoziologische Untersuchung”.(Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, 2008). Organized an International Art Historical Colloquium in 2010 and published its proceedings in, “Angels, Saints and Prophets in Christian and Islamic art, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, Istanbul, 2010. She also acted as team member in two archaeological surveys in and around Konya (2013-15). Her recent publications are Late Antique Anatolia and Its Ascetics: Sannabadae Monastery and Bishop Amphilochius of Iconium, in: Crossroads: Konya plain from Prehistory to the Byzantine period. Ed. by Çigdem Maner. (Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019) 179-193; Marginalizing Traditional Religious Groups, Cults and Beliefs in the Early Patristic Period: Asceticism in Phrygia and Lykaonia, in Identity and the Other in Byzantium. Ed. by K. Durak and I. Jevtic. Papers from the fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium. (GABAM, İstanbul, 2019) 189-205.
Lilith, Xnoubis and the Others: Living in-between Faith, Magic and Spells
The present talk aims to address material mainly from instrumenta domestika or paraphernalia in order to illustrate the quintessential use of the magic and spells. Examples from minor art objects revealed from the archaeological excavations shed light to their common iconography, use and production.
In this talk their usual iconographies and accompanying spells are presented. Also, their life before and during the Incarnation is discussed. Their changing or not-sochanging formulae are scrutinized in the later Byzantine periods as well.